Life, Works and Synesthesia

Desert Living

Kategori: Fridays Decor

A quick fashion note on a beautiful shot from my Architecture blog


Kategori: Fridays Decor

Considering it was her125th anniversary a few weeks ago, I thought I would share an article I posted on my Architecture and Interior Design blog.

Room Details Part II

Kategori: Fridays Decor

Just a little corner of what mornings are made of. Light, lots of, and a favourite quote from 'Where the Wild Things Snore Are'.  
The 'canvas' (aprox 5x5 ft) is a piece of flooring from a theatre, the line chalked in will change if ever bored of it.
Reuse, reduce recycle!


Kategori: Fridays Decor

Branchlers (a combination of Branches and Antlers) are nothing new these days, but I had a drawing I made age 11 that I was never able to bring to a wall. In comes my (sound) engineer partner-in-all-crimes.
He takes a look at my cockeyed drawing, blinks a few times. Tilts head. Swallows snickering - I am watching like a hawk, his dinner depends on it - then he slowly tells me he knows how to mount antlers. I know where to find branches (dead oleanders where art thou?!) so we divided and try to conquer. 
Joined effort, as in, I made a terrible drawing, trimmed a couple of dead oleanders from the side of the house, and gave both to him.
He later told me he thought it was a stupid idea (he had originally referred to it as a 'very European thing to do') but after wrestling with the branches, the windspan, the weight, the hold-ups and whatever aerodynamics engineering (almost dangerous!!) situations he encountered, he gained some respect for the project.
He eventually admitted he wants one in his studio. Can I get a 'yeehaaww' then.

Wall Of Fame And Shame

Kategori: Fridays Decor

When we moved into our home, it looked like it had been bombed with a deadly vanilla sorbet. Everything was caked on cream and magnolia and just plain, plain, plain everywhere. I didn't mind the plain or boring walls, but I did mind they were a pastel shade of fake ice cream. With Paint in the brain, I went for a black wall in the lounge to get me through the weeks before taking on the full job of whitening the place. One black wall in a vanilla house is an effective way to break things up. Since then, we have turned all the creams into whites and added a few more black walls for good measure. 
Here is my Wall of Fame and Shame displaying little windows of the trajectory of my illustrations through the years. There is photorealistic, which nobody succeeded at making me enjoy, but the lady portrayed is my amona and I like having her around. There are some Marvel style drawings, some 2000 AD style, some cubed, and more recently some Pirates of the Galaxy, cherry on top is the suitcase boombox, exchanged through Soze Gallery for a midnight poem. 

Room details

Kategori: Fridays Decor

Since I can remember I have been wishing upon my own habitat to do whatever I want to the space. It became a bit of an obssession after I began serial renting attending university and working in a foreign country. Tired of renting, finally at 34 we managed to get a place of our own in the low Mojave Desert, CA. London's property was impossible to own and Los Angeles was getting hectic and felt unsafe, the sun was not making it shine anymore, so here we are, out in the desert, Joshua Tree National Park up the road and Mid Century Modern gems round the corner. 
Needless to say we are quickly running out of wall space but it is in constant turnaround. Like this blog, our home is as black and white as possible, although both our studios self drenched in a colourful chaos without consult.  
Until we can afford updating doors, I spray-painted the scary golden doorknobs Montana Black and made an angular shape around them. It will have to do for the years being.