My usual suspects. Favourite style of illustration since I can remember.
Cubed and in motion.
I am told I was a lovely kid for the first few years, quiet and industrious, seen but never heard type of 'thing', always in some well lit corner reading and surrounded with pens and crayons and ink.

Plain white paper did not do it for me, I needed already-there backgrounds. It started with money notes, which my dad had no problem with but my mom was horrified and kept wallets in high shelves. Then I stepped into newspapers but the ink destroys my fingers, so... I moved into her VOGUE magazines. Talk about 'horrifying mom', she called me 'Damian' (devil child) for years.
This is to this day (it has been decades) how I doodle whilst my mind tidies up itself. It's a constant, and probably subconscious study of Light.
We are all engineered the same. Just a bunch of angles hit by the sun. The fascination for what's beautiful has always amazed me. I pick up more on people's colours and tones than on actual facial features, so I don't see the fuss about Handsomeness. I guess that as a kid I attacked fashion magazines to deconstruct beauty. To understand the ratio or the harmony behind what's a 'beautiful face'. I had a broken face and live scars for a while, maybe because I was too young to care (9) it didn't bother me, but there was talk of plastic reconstruction around me. Luckily it healed by itself, sort of, but at that point I started analysing bone structures (on photographs) as there are no voice distractions to them.
I am still none the wiser, I love angles, but there are angles in all of us. The trick is to find the right angle that would highlight one's features and then play with shadows until it fits. And voila! (Unless they have a nasal, whiny, yappy voice) - Everybody is quite beautiful!
I am constantly on the look out for further collaborations with fashion/editorial photographers that would allow me to cube or paint their images, of course I would credit their work and if put up for sale, share the potential profits. (Or just simply let me enjoy being inspired by their work.) If anybody knows someone of interest or interested, please leave me a comment clicking on 'Kommentarer'' below. Thank you very much!
Here is one of my old time favourite ladies. For her intelligence, for her attitude, for her music, for her musing, for her drive, for her beauty, for being banned, for staying clear from drug habits, for still being alive, for not apologising for challenging people, for introducing Hendrix and Sly Stone to Miles Davis. The Absolute Queen of Funk.
For reasons I can not explain Funk music has a lot of black and white when it processes through my head. Drums and most beats turn my background black and a slap bass with a wah pedal makes anything a bright shade of white, which melts into voices perfectly. It is far from simple though, the complexity and syncopation of the beats folds patterns upon themselves, twisting and spiralling and merging with the bass and the singing (most of rich, quality voices are a sharp white, and create vivid shapes).
This is how I trip out any given day.
Hello Tuesday. This is how I used to draw as a kid. I almost lost the angles, trying the photorealism that my school was so fond of. There was not much room for creativity, anything that did not portray the ultimate likeness to real life was not even considered a drawing. I got in neverending trouble for drawing however I wanted. I am still in love with angles, maybe because they line up real life, this way of drawing is still my favourite, I guess I am still 5 and a half.
Photorealistic drawing requires specific skills, mainly extraordinary observation and a very steady hand, but it does not make for a better quality drawing.
I believe everybody can draw, if only they dare to sketch up their realities however they want to perceive them instead of trying a classic way to replicate how daily light hits.
Hey! Teacher! Leave the kids alone!